chad bossman

Thisis50 Exclusive Interview with Chad Bossman: From Humble Beginnings to Artistic Stardom

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We had the pleasure of sitting down with Chad Bossman, an artist whose journey from the small town of Lake Providence, Louisiana, to the vibrant streets of Dallas, Texas, has been nothing short of inspiring. In this exclusive interview, Chad shares his early influences, the challenges he faced, and his vision for the future.

Interviewer: Chad, can you tell us about your early influences growing up in Lake Providence?

Chad Bossman: First of all, Lake Providence, Louisiana is a very small town that was once in the newspaper for being one of the poorest towns in America. Despite that, it’s full of hustlers and very family-oriented people, with great food and musical entertainment at all gatherings. This environment made me want to engage in making music eventually.

Interviewer: What is your first artistic memory?

Chad Bossman: Actually, my first memory of creating art was drawing. I can draw pretty well, a skill that was molded by my late uncle, Tommie Lee Scott. Rest in Paradise. Musically, my first memory of creating art was when my all-time favorite rap artist 2Pac died. His music transferred into my mind and made me want to pursue my music career, crafting my style through trial and error.

Interviewer: How did your family support your artistic journey?

Chad Bossman: My grandmother, who raised me—may she rest in peace—and my uncle were my biggest supporters and really believed in me. Others, of course, thought certain things were far-fetched when it came to chasing a musical dream.

Interviewer: What prompted the move from Lake Providence to Dallas?

Chad Bossman: Actually, it was my granny and aunt’s decision for us to move to Dallas for more opportunities. I was probably six or seven years old at the time and had no idea what to expect when we got to Dallas.

Interviewer: What were some of the biggest challenges you faced when you first arrived in Dallas?

Chad Bossman: My biggest challenges were attempts of being bullied because I was considered different by Dallas kids who didn’t understand the Lake Providence culture—until they found out I was a young Mike Tyson.

Interviewer: Who are your new inspirations in Dallas?

Chad Bossman: My new inspirations in Dallas are seeing all the new Dallas artists emerge. I need my piece of the pie, no cap, which drives me to go harder and harder.

Interviewer: How has your artistic style evolved since moving to Dallas?

Chad Bossman: My style has evolved from just wanting to give you only bars to going outside the box and exploring my melodic side, which I am tremendously proud of.

Interviewer: How has the cultural diversity of Dallas influenced your music?

Chad Bossman: Dallas is a huge tourist attraction city for a lot of reasons, so I grew up around all cultures, which helped me mold my sound to reach beyond the hood.

Interviewer: How do you stay motivated despite the challenges?

Chad Bossman: All the recognition, whether it’s from Dallas or not, keeps me motivated to reach the highest heights obtainable.

Interviewer: What role does social media play in your career?

Chad Bossman: First of all, I don’t only promote; I actually engage with all my fans who are willing. I’m real. I also answer DMs if I get the notifications.

Interviewer: Can you describe the community you’ve built around your music?

Chad Bossman: The community built around my music is one that wants in-depth art, but also party art, all in one artist—which is me. I encourage them to stay motivated and to keep going by looking at my grind.

Interviewer: Tell us about your upcoming single “Ugh.”

Chad Bossman: “Ugh” is one of those tracks where I stepped out on the edge melodically, as I discussed earlier. It got a larger response on music platforms than I anticipated, which suggested I should put it out. It’s basically a humbling song for those who think they are really “it” but are not.

Interviewer: How do you balance different forms of art?

Chad Bossman: Since I’m a natural-born creative, it’s easier for me, especially with my determination. I definitely seek help when needed.

Interviewer: Who has been the most significant influence on your music?

Chad Bossman: 2Pac is the Michael Jordan of hip-hop to me, and greatness like that is what I strive for, whether I’m capable or not.

Interviewer: What are your future goals as an artist?

Chad Bossman: I want to be regarded as an all-time legend, and I want my music to touch the world and influence people in a good way, whether it’s through one of my motivational and inspirational songs or one of my street songs. I have no collaborations coming as we speak, but I’m open to quite a few.

Interviewer: Chad, thank you for sharing your journey with us. It’s been a pleasure.

Chad Bossman: Thank you for having me. It’s been great talking to you.


Chad Bossman’s journey from the small town of Lake Providence to the vibrant city of Dallas is a testament to his determination and creative spirit. Influenced by his roots and driven by new inspirations, he has evolved into an artist with a unique style and a growing fan base. His upcoming single, “Ugh,” showcases his willingness to push boundaries and connect with a wider audience. As he continues to strive for greatness, Bossman’s story serves as an inspiration to aspiring artists everywhere, demonstrating that with passion, perseverance, and authenticity, one can achieve remarkable success.

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