
F.Smile Sits Down with Thisis50 for an Exclusive Interview

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Interview with F.Smile: From Valencia Raves to International Stages


Enrique Soto Velasco, better known by his stage name F.Smile, is a rising star in the electronic music scene. Born and raised in Valencia, Spain, Enrique’s journey into music began in the vibrant local rave culture. From these humble beginnings, he has carved out a name for himself through dedication, education, and a relentless passion for music. As a DJ and music producer, F.Smile’s unique sound and energetic performances have earned him recognition and accolades, including chart-topping hits and successful collaborations. Currently, he is the resident DJ and CEO of HardXplosion, a role that allows him to shape and influence the electronic music scene. We had the opportunity to sit down with F.Smile and delve deeper into his musical journey, inspirations, and future aspirations.


1. Can you tell us more about your early life in Valencia, Spain, and how it influenced your music career?

F.Smile: Of course, my first years in Valencia were fundamental for my musical career. Growing up in a vibrant city full of music exposed me to a mix of genres, especially electronic. Valencia, with its rich electronic music scene, gave me the opportunity to see and learn from the best DJs in the world. I started playing in small clubs, raves, and local parties, which allowed me to develop my sound and connect with the audience. Valencia’s musical energy and diversity have been a great inspiration and continue to influence my career.

2. What inspired you to start your career as a DJ at raves, and how did that experience shape your musical style?

F.Smile: Since I was little, I have always liked hardstyle. I remember the first time I went to a rave, the energy was incredible: everyone dancing, laughing, and enjoying themselves. That experience impacted me so much that I wanted to go to more parties and festivals. After discovering that world, it was clear to me that I wanted to dedicate myself to it. The raves taught me the importance of connecting with the audience and keeping an energy high in my sets. This has shaped my musical style, making it intense and full of life, always looking for people to feel the same emotion that I felt in my first rave.

3. How did your education at Yamaha School Music impact your approach to DJing and music production?

F.Smile: It really changed everything. Until then, I was self-taught and didn’t realize how much I still had to learn. My DJ teacher, Head Hornys, taught me almost everything I know. I went from practicing at home with controllers to using a good mixer and some high-quality CDJs. As for music production, I had several teachers who taught me how to use Ableton Live and how to master FL Studio better. This line-up completely transformed my approach as a DJ and producer. Today, I continue to learn and firmly believe that in this world there will always be something new to discover.

4. Can you share the story behind your most successful song, “Worst Of Me,” and what it means to you?

F.Smile: “Worst Of Me” is a very special song for me. After leaving the academy, I was very motivated and, with the new knowledge, I wanted to produce a Rawstyle track with my personal touch. I was inspired by artists like Rooler and Sickmode, whose songs I’ve always loved. “Worst Of Me” was the first song they accepted into a music label and, to this day, it’s still one of my favorites. I will always have a special affection for it and I am very grateful that people liked it as much as I did.

5. Watching “Worst Of Me” reach position 26 on Spinnin’ Records’ Talent Pool and number 1 on SubmitHub’s Top 50 must have been thrilling. How did that recognition impact you?

F.Smile: Watching “Worst Of Me” reach those positions was an incredible experience. I remember jumping for joy; it was a real adrenaline rush. I felt enormous satisfaction and pride, since it was the result of a lot of work and dedication. This recognition was like the world telling me to keep going, that pursuing your dreams is really worth it. Knowing that my song resonated with so many people and that it was recognized by such important platforms motivated me even more to continue creating and improving as an artist.

6. As the resident DJ and CEO of HardXplosion, what are your responsibilities and what do you enjoy most about this role?

F.Smile: My responsibilities at HardXplosion are many, since it was an idea that came from a couple of friends and I decided to carry it out. Fortunately, I have the support of friends like Sad and Enzo, who, in addition to giving me moral support, help me in any way they can. As a resident DJ, my job is something I love deeply; I enjoy making people jump, have fun, and laugh. Although there is more work behind each event than it seems, each of them has been worth it. What I enjoy the most is seeing how, for one day, we manage to get people to disconnect from their routine and immerse themselves in an experience of dance and fun.

7. Can you give us a sneak peek into your upcoming collaborations with DStroyer and what listeners can expect?

F.Smile: I am enormously grateful to DStroyer for giving me the opportunity to collaborate on this project. We have worked on a Psy To Hard song that is a bit different from what I usually do, and the result is really incredible. We decided to create something different, but that maintains the essence and festive energy that characterizes our productions. I think this song could be my best work to date and I’m very excited to share it. I hope listeners like it as much as I do and that it gives them a fresh and vibrant experience.

8. Sharing the stage with renowned DJs like Art Of Fighters and The Straikerz must have been an incredible experience. What was it like for you?

F.Smile: Sharing the stage with such renowned DJs is an incredible experience and fills me with pride. Some of them are already like friends to me. Every opportunity to share the stage with these artists is like fulfilling a dream, as I am a fan of many of them. Meeting them personally, chatting, enjoying, and laughing together is an invaluable experience. Sometimes we forget that they are people like us, and those moments of connection and complicity are priceless.

9. How do you stay grounded and continue to grow as an artist despite your recent success?

F.Smile: Success is a word that encompasses a lot, and I feel that I still have a lot to accomplish. While I’m glad I’m starting to be considered as a DJ, continuing to grow as an artist is a constant goal for me. I think there’s always something new to learn and new ways to improve. One of the biggest challenges I’ve faced has been criticism. At first, I had a hard time accepting constructive criticism, but I learned to see it as opportunities to grow. I focused on honing my skills and not being discouraged by negative reviews. Over time, these experiences have made me more resilient and helped me stay focused on my artistic evolution.

10. Can you describe your creative process when producing new music or preparing for a DJ set?

F.Smile: My creative process begins with a mixture of inspiration and planning. When I produce new music, I usually start with an idea or emotion that I want to convey. I like to explore different sounds and rhythms to see what fits with that initial vision. I use tools like Ableton Live and FL Studio to experiment with different melodies, beats, and effects until I find the sound I’m looking for. Collaboration with other artists can also bring new perspectives and enrich the process. To prepare for a DJ set, I focus on getting to know the atmosphere and the audience. I select songs that not only fit the style of the event but also allow for good interaction with the audience. I like to create a musical narrative that keeps the energy high and makes people feel connected to the music. The key is to be well prepared, but also to be flexible and adapt to the audience’s response during the session.

11. What is your vision for the future of HardXplosion, and how do you plan to grow the brand?

F.Smile: My vision for HardXplosion is to organize a great festival, which would be a dream come true. For now, we have many events planned with important artists and we are focused on improving in each one. We want to expand HardXplosion from a regional to a national scope, and we are already in talks with organizers and venues in cities such as Barcelona and Malaga to bring HardXplosion to new audiences throughout Spain.

12. How do you balance your roles as a DJ, producer, and CEO while maintaining your personal life?

F.Smile: The truth is that I try to juggle all those roles. I invest a lot of time in producing music and in HardXplosion, but it’s something I’m deeply passionate about. Although it requires a lot of effort, it is not problematic for me because I dedicate myself to what I love. I feel that these activities are already an integral part of my life and I strive to find a balance that allows me to enjoy my personal life while continuing to advance in my career.

13. Can you describe a memorable moment or performance that had a significant impact on you as an artist?

F.Smile: There are many memorable performances, but one that I remember with special fondness is a party called Hard Distortion. It was epic for several reasons: we celebrated the birthday of Sad, one of my best friends and my right-hand man, and although we faced several setbacks, we solved them as we went along. In the end, the party was a resounding success, I met great DJs and the audience had a lot of fun. In addition, I remember a moment when I was on stage with a great song by Sefa, and when I looked at the audience, I saw everyone dancing and laughing as if tomorrow did not exist. That connection and vibrant energy reminded me that it doesn’t matter how you start, but how you finish, and that you always have to enjoy the ride. Seeing how music brought people together and created unforgettable memories was deeply impactful to me.

14. What advice would you give to aspiring DJs and producers who are just starting their careers?

F.Smile: My advice is never to give up and to keep the passion alive. The career of a DJ and producer is full of challenges, but every obstacle is an opportunity to learn and grow. Be persistent and don’t let criticism discourage you; instead, use them to improve. Listen to a lot of music, experiment with new styles and techniques, and seek to collaborate with other artists to broaden your vision. Always remember to be authentic and true to yourself. Perseverance and hard work are essential, and if you keep going with dedication and love for what you do, you will achieve your goals. Your passion will take you far.


Our conversation with F.Smile revealed a dedicated artist whose journey from Valencia’s rave scene to international recognition is marked by passion, perseverance, and continuous learning. His success, from chart-topping tracks to his influential role at HardXplosion, showcases his commitment to pushing the boundaries of electronic music. F.Smile’s vision for the future, including organizing major festivals and expanding his brand, reflects his ambition and drive. As he continues to evolve as an artist, his advice to aspiring DJs and producers highlights the importance of resilience and staying true to one’s passion. With his upcoming collaborations and events, F.Smile is undoubtedly a name to watch in the world of electronic music.

On Key

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