Devy Kay Does An Exclusive Interview with Thisis50 Canada

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Ladies and Gentlemen, hold on tight to your seats as we introduce to you one of the most electrifying and talented rappers in the game today. With a unique style and a flow like no other, Devy Kay has taken the music industry by storm and left a lasting impression on fans and critics alike. Whether it’s on the mic or in the booth, Devy Kay never fails to deliver and leaves the crowd wanting more. He is an undeniable force in the music world, with a catalogue of hit tracks and collaborations with some of the biggest names in the industry. his passion for music is palpable in every verse and every beat, making Devy Kay a true lyrical genius. With a unique voice, a captivating stage presence, and undeniable charisma, Devy Kay has captured the hearts of fans around the world and has become one of the most sought-after artists in the game today. Their journey to the top has been a testament to their hard work and dedication, and they show no signs of slowing down. His music is a fusion of different genres and influences, making them a true pioneer in the world of hip-hop. Whether it’s delivering thought-provoking lyrics or creating an energetic vibe, Devy Kay always leaves his mark and elevates the game to new heights.

How did you get involved with making this album?

Devy Kay: In 2021, I attempted to do a song a week but due to my work schedule, my personal life, etc, I was only able to release a song a week until mid-April. I was still making music but not releasing anything. I hit a bit of a wall, then my buddy Zay who I did my collab project tapped in with me and working on a fresh canvas away from “solo Dev Kay ” really helped clear out my personal cobwebs. At the state my life was in at the time, which wasn’t the brightest point, I decided to develop a darker, more aggressive rap album. I didn’t know when I was going to put it out or how long it was going to be, I just knew I wanted to make a rap project that would age well and people would want to play it more than once. I want to be remembered, I want to leave my music in people’s memories and that’s the effort I truly gave this project. 

Were there any artists or musicians that inspired this album? If so, who were they and how so?

Devy Kay: Definitely a mix of rap & rock music. I made a total of 27 songs and just had this pool of tracks I cultivated and chose the best ones to fit the concept of the album but give the project some length. I made every beat except one beat so production base people/groups like Suicideboys, Hippie Sabotage, Max Miller, J Cole, G Eazy really influenced me. But lyrically I wanted to put a lot of my pain & thoughts into a general perspective so a good amount of people who may hear it could relate to it. I used songs by Avenged Sevenfold, Linkin Park, Machine Gun Kelly, for inspiration to help form my perspectives in the song writing process because those fan bases have a longevity I hope to obtain myself one day. The way they write their songs hits the hearts of millions & as an artist that’s all I pray my songs do at the end of the day. 

Was there a defining moment in the process of making the album that you remember?

Devy Kay: I can’t name one exact definitive moment but there is a few that really made this project a gem to me. I remember making the tracks “F.U.4.Free” & “Blame4Everything” because those are the first songs I’ve made where I’m screaming on pieces of the song. & While I was recording my screams I opened up a whole new side of Devy Kay that I didn’t even know existed & I honestly loved screaming like that. Sounds crazy right? Another moment is my album cover. I used “The Beautiful & Damned” by G Eazy for the make up inspiration, I knew this was a darker album & I wanted people to see my true genius with this work so I have to represent correctly. I’m also a very plain guy, all my clothing is black. If you look at my album works my singles are different pieces of art & my albums are pictures of me. I wanted to stick to that theme but since my last single project was a colorful piece, I wanted N.R.4.T.W. to be completely different. The album cover turned out perfect to me & it was the perfect stamp to put out this release. I’ll be proud of this work when I’m 70 but I’ll always remember those two moments. 

I wanted to get into the breakdown of some of the songs on this album. Were there any that stood out for you or were more sentimental than the others?

Devy Kay: “Expensive Pain” & “Been Thru” are really sentimental to me. I have a day job, & my dream is to make a living doing what I love to do & that’s to make music. Of course just being able to make music right now though is enough for me. The true dream is chasing it everyday. But working a day job and getting stuck in the “rat race” is a true fear of mine because I feel so many people live a life they truly don’t want to lead. Granted everyone is dealt a different hand, I just want to make the best of my situation you know? I feel I sum that whole topic up exquisitely in “Expensive Pain” & I made “Been Thru” in two hours on a wednesday evening one day off the cuff. At the time to me it was just another song but I showed it to my homies & some close friends and I saw how much it resonated with them & I knew I made something special. I also feel that the song is just a nice light vibe & it really caps off all the anger on my album with a brighter note & like letting it go in a sense. The anger I wrote in other songs doesn’t last forever. If I hold that anger I can’t grow as a man or even an artist because I’ll just be stuck in the same pattern and “Been Thru” is leaving everything N.R.4.T.W goes over in the rear view to better & newer music in the future that’s authentically myself. 

What do you feel your biggest contribution was to the album?

Devy Kay: The vulnerability to go that deep with my words. I’m not a global popping artist yet so when the ones around me who do hear my music and hear me saying “I’m crazy” or screaming at the top of my lungs it’s definitely a head-turner. But I also grew up very much an introvert. I didn’t talk a lot, I sat alone at lunch thru high school, I kind of got picked on & talked about here & there. I just tried to stay out the way & keep to myself and through that writing became my therapy. As I got older I started recording what I was writing so to me it’s just another day doing what I do but to other people, they don’t see it as that. Truly it’s just because they care which I greatly appreciate. My music is an art and people interpret it how they interpret it and I just hope they enjoy it & it’s something they relate to. It’s not easy for people to talk about personal demons, or emotions they hide, or how they feel about situations that really hurt them. I wanted to leave something that maybe someone could relate their anger to when they hear me going off about something, or they hear one of my songs and it gets them motivated or helps them find comfort wherever they need it. I contributed my most authentic self and I wanted this album to be real & honest while being dark & bold. I love that quote “pen is mightier than the sword.” I definitely believe this project is a solid foundation of work for my musical journey so with that we could view N.R.4.T.W as the “skeleton” of Devy Kay. 

Outside was essentially your last solo album aside from a collaboration project you did last year as well. What makes No Rest For The Weary different? Who was Devy Kay then and who is Devy Kay now?

Devy Kay: The funny thing is the difference between the two projects is who I was then & who I am now. “Outside” didn’t come out until I was almost 20 but I wrote 7 of 9 of those songs when I was 18. I just didn’t hit a comfortable point with my production that I wanted to show the public until I was 19. When I was writing those songs I was 18 living with my grandparents & working at my job saving up for studio equipment. I was writing from the standpoint of someone who is gonna get to where he wants to go and he’s just gearing up you know? While “No Rest 4 The Weary” was mainly written by someone who is trying to get to where he wants to go but he feels stuck and resents his situation, the people who have hurt him, drowning in his self-pity, need to get out of his rut point of view. I hit a point where I was giving too much of myself to others and not saving enough of myself for myself. If you don’t fill your own cup how can you fill other people’s cups? That’s the motto I use a way to remind myself to breathe, take 10 minutes for myself when needed, do what makes me happy & not follow the crowd or social norms. Always be my best authentic self and with that comes being vulnerable which is really cool to expose & see people relate. While both are honest I feel “Outside” shows potential and “No Rest 4 The Weary” shows progression. Devy Kay now is a legend in the making, I got people to prove wrong and people to make proud. NO REST FOR THE WEARY SON I’M NOT STOPPING! 

What does No Rest For The Weary mean to you?

Devy Kay: It means everything. I remember being a kid just being excited & fired up for my future because I knew I would be dream-chasing & making music. This album feels like a piece of work I was meant to make. All my past experiences, traumas, the jobs I’ve worked, the places I’ve lived, everything that could possibly run through my head or weigh on me I translated or flexed somehow in these songs & my younger self would truly be proud of this Devy Kay. That’s all I can really ask for while creating my art at the end of the day. 

Do you have any comments or advice for upcoming artists who are following in similar footsteps like yours?

Devy Kay: Stay focused. There’s that Russ bar “haven’t slept since ‘06, main focus is stay focused”, that isn’t no joke. I’m still an artist coming up in this game but there are only so many spots and when you’re not working, grinding, or recording, somebody out there is going harder than you. Kobe mentality you know? Nothing is guaranteed & if you go watch any interview of any legend, or artist that’s made it, anybody in the industry they show & constantly remind this takes a certain dedication and it’s truly a labor of love. If you truly love this, which I feel I do, then go after it and don’t stop. Personally, I would rather live a short life doing what I enjoy rather than a long one in misery. Be yourself, work hard, try new things, get outside your comfort zone, & always know you’ll never be perfect. 

What’s next for Devy Kay? How do you plan on levering off this album?

Devy Kay: I’m working on a singing project right now. Well if it’s not a project it’s a plethora of tracks where I’m really expanding my vocal range and getting into a cleaner writing style to develop more of a radio sound so I can advertise my music to a broader group of people and build my fan base. Also, develop online content & really build up my social media pages and do as many shows as I can. 2023, I want to become a better rapper, artist, producer, content creator, and performer, but also become better as a man, a friend, a brother, and a son. I never want to let myself slip or fall behind, I’m very proactive with self-improvement and becoming my best self physically & mentally. I’ll be taking my time with my music releases and really giving No Rest 4 The Weary the proper space to breathe & exist. Follow me on all of my social media like Instagram & Tik Tok “@devykay26” that’s my handle on every platform. Tap in, engage, see what I’m up to and see the things I have in store. “Devy SZN ” live in effect; That’s where it’s at. 

And there you have it, a closer look into the mind of the talented Devy Kay. We hope you enjoyed this interview and learned more about the passion, creativity, and drive that fuels this rising artist. With his unique blend of rap and rock and his ability to pour his heart and soul into his music, we have no doubt that Devy Kay will continue to make waves in the music industry. We can’t wait to see what the future holds for him and where his music will take him next. Thank you, Devy Kay, for taking the time to speak with us today.

On Key

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