Noah J Giglio

Noah J Giglio’s Upcoming Single “Jersey Girl”

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New Jersey local, Noah J Giglio has recently came on our radar after receiving a preview of his upcoming single “Jersey Girl”. As always we took a listen and were blown away at how unique and like-able the song was, we realized how relatable the song was. It goes to tell a story of love and emotions you feel throughout relationships and your life. Many musicians, bands, and groups nowadays try to hop on a trend and all sound the same, but Noah in this upcoming single has his own take with a real feeling and a very creative aspect.

But where did Noah Giglio get this talent? Well his father, Jigs, was someone who found fame at a young age in the music industry. Despite setbacks, Noah took his father’s legacy and challenged himself to make music as well. He then formed the band “Running Late” and performed on stage with them where they grew some recognition. Noah and the band even took a win at the 2015 Hard Rock Rising Battle of the Bands in New York City. Although later splitting from the group, Noah pursued his career and continued even when feeling overwhelmed.

Today, Noah Giglio has been fully invested in being well known and getting his music heard. His story is one for the books, and his upcoming songs are extremely well done. With plans of releasing his first debut single “Jersey Girl” to all platforms soon, the audience he has, is eager to hear it. Noah also has plans to experiment and try out more than the music he’s always made. From Rock to Melodic Rap, he wants to be very versatile in his work and allow any listener to see him as a multi-talented musician. Upcoming features with popular artists like KillBunk, Lil Shock, Henny Hermes, and others have show this off and we can only wait to see what Noah does next.

You can stay up to date with Noah and his upcoming single “Jersey Girl” through his socials:

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